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Showing posts from August, 2019

Expectations - Thoughts from the Woods

I've always put expectations on myself. Whether rational or not. These expectations probably served me well at times, holding myself accountable as a young kid growing up. Many expectations were how I presented myself and how handled certain situations. This habit of creating expectations, often unrealistic and often surrounding insignificant details such as what I say in trivial conversations, how I said it, what I didn't say, is where I experience the most inner dialogue that leads to stress, anxiety, and exhaustion.  It's a habit where I am very hard on myself. Negative self-talk. Feeling like I'm not achieving. Will they accept me? Will they recognize me for what I do well? I have this habit because if I ever find out others had expectations of me, and I failed to reach them, I panic. It's hard for me to "let someone down". What will they think of me? They will probably leave me/fire me. It's a habit where having expectations on myself lead

July Scorecard

Things are starting to get a little more exciting. The remaining balance totals are smaller and the light at the end of the tunnel brighter. Currently sitting at 74.6% payoff completed. 0% balances due to be gone mid October. 4 digit student loan balance the only thing left after that. I'll be honest, I'm not completely sure whether I'll aggressively pay off the student loans or aggressively add to savings. In the month of July I opened up a Traditonal IRA to go with my Roth IRA. I've started a small monthly deposit into that, which provides another tax deferring account to go along with my 401k and HSA. It also provides a landing spot to roll over that 401k eventually. Win. My thought is for the remaining 2 1/2 months of the year, max out my HSA and traditional IRA to lower my taxable income for 2019. Then pay off the student loans early next year. I see more of a benefit in doing that. The increased tax return would go directly to the student loans. The