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Showing posts from July, 2019

June Scorecard

Wow - I'm riding an incredible high after just completing 21.9 miles of trail on/near the AT this past weekend. What an awesome experience. Life changing. June is in the books. Quarter 6 is in the books. The final chapters are closer to be written. Progress is staying steady. 68.2% of the debt is paid in full at the completion of the 6th quarter; 18 months in. How much I'm completing each quarter is increasing as funds continue to funnel and as I'm getting better at sticking to a regular budget. Also, playing less golf...far less golf. In addition to the debt ass kicking......savings in my positive accounts has increased 47.1% in the same time period. Here's the chart: I think that's all that needs to be written. I weighed in at 209.6 this morning...flirting with new lows and inspired to push harder after this past weekend's experience. Minimal fitness - 162.1 miles on the stationary bike, 30.6 miles hiking, 20.7 running/walking miles outdoors, 17.