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Showing posts from April, 2019

March Scorecard

Quarter #5 is in the books. 15 months total invested, and I couldn't be more pleased. Things are going really well, and I'm a little bit ahead of pace to finish by Christmas (knock on wood, leave me alone Mr. Murphy). Quarter 5 had two main things happening - income tax return and the announcement of our 2018 ESOP stock price at my employer. Both brought a solid benefit, in both directions (debt down, savings up). To comment on the income tax return - I've changed my withholding's a bit in an attempt to get more of that money throughout the year (as well as make sure I don't owe the state of Maine again). Here's the progress chart: That red line is trending down at an exciting pace. We've paid off 56% of our original goal - non mortgage debt. I have received a little extra motivation and want to let a close friend know I'm stoked that he and his family have hit their debt free goal - I look forward to our family joining those ranks late 2