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Showing posts from September, 2018

Friday's Progress Update

3 quarters of budgeting is in the books. 9 months. 36 weekly cycles. I'm pretty pumped with the progress. Here are the charts: Everything is in a good groove. I'm motivated and looking forward to finishing the year strong. Minimal fitness - 40 miles on the bike while watching Tiger get his first win since 2005. I landed shy of my goal of 12 miles run and got 8.7 miles. Happy with progress on all fronts. Enjoy the moment.

Friday Progress Update

Today I get to celebrate the closing of one 0% transfer balance account. This will allow me to snowball over to the next account (3 total). Moving forward. Nothing much more to highlight. Frugal fitness - I hit my 12 miles for the week, running a 5, 4, and 3 mile loop throughout the week. I also signed up for a Turkey trot 5k in Bar Harbor, 5k race number 1. To the weekend.

Friday's = Progress Update

Another week... Budgeting is going well. Saying that, I want to vow to do even better. I've let myself get lax with things, particularly food, and want to control that a lot better going forward. Nothing significant to discuss, other than a heightened desire to keep grinding and keep visualizing the finish line. I'm extremely motivated at the thought of achieving this goal. Wiping out our non mortgage debt will have to be celebrated - in true to me form. Maybe a half smile and a fist pump... Minimal fitness - things are going well. I'm feeling great and I'm looking forward to extending my runs. I did 3.75 miles at lunch today, bringing my weekly total to only 8.25. I biked 20 miles, and did a resistance circuit. I want to start hitting 12 miles a week running, increase my resistance training, and I definitely need to increase my stretching. That's all for this week. Enjoy the weekend.