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Social Isolation

If you have time, check out this article (click).

I read this article, and I'm typing this post, with headphones in my ears at my office.

This is the most personally haunting aspect of our society today, in my opinion.

I was just having this discussion with my wife. For 50 hours a week, at least when I'm at my desk, I am constantly listening to podcasts. Yes, they're entertaining. The hosts are comedians, often, so it gives me a good laugh. However, I listen to podcasts because it gives me a false sense of human connection. Podcasts allow me to control my experience by controlling the content. More specifically, the person delivering it.

I dare say I'm often socially isolated at work. I promote wellness for a construction company. With most of the management and employees here, I may as well be teaching the company ballet. While I've created some great connections (mostly with guys working miles away from me on site that I'll see 2-3 times per year), while I'm in my office I don't feel socially similar to many people that I work with.

Enter podcasts. Do I want to listen to folks who have a similar life outlook as me? Press play. For the few minutes before going to bed? Youtube. Hours of content with people who enjoy similar hobbies to me. Share similar life/wellness philosophies as I do.

How many personal connections do I have with actual people who share similar values, hobbies, life desires? Very, very few. Sadly. Everyone has limited time these days between long work hours, family commitments, etc. Adding to that, I skew introverted and require a chunk of quiet alone time to recharge my batteries, and leads to me succumbing to the very problem that scares the shit out of me. Social isolation, lack of community/connection, and an overwhelming connection to digital content.

After proof reading what I've wrote just now, I should consider myself lucky to at least have a person or two in my life that I consider close. A survey in 2004 indicated 25% of Americans thought they didn't have one person in their life they could confide in. That was 15 years ago...I can only imagine what that survey would highlight today.


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